In this corner, we share a daily expression in three different languages, English, Arabic and Korean. The expression conveys the same idea in the three languages but in different wordings derived from the relevant cultures. We will discuss the expression and its literal and idiomatic meanings.
Today’s expression:
It’s a piece of cake.
Its literal meaning has nothing to do with its idiomatic meaning. This expression is used to express that something is very easy to do.
The expression when used in Arabic has no meaning. The Arabic equivalent is:
مِثل السكين في الحلاوة (like a knife in halva) : مثل عامي يعبر عن سهولة إنجاز شيء ما. لا نستخدم عبارة "إنها لقطعة من الكعك" في اللغة العربية بل "مثل السكين في الحلاوة". الحلاوة متعارف عليها في المنطقة العربية على عكس الكعك الذي يعتبر من أنواع الحلوى الغربية.
Korean takes the expression to another level. The expression that communicates the same thought is:
누워서 떡 먹기 (eating rice cake while lying down): 쉬운 일. 전혀 힘들이지 않는 일.
It literally means eating rice cake while lying down. If you can do it while lying down, it is very easy.
So we learned how to say “something is very easy” in three languages:
English: It’s a piece of cake
Korean: 누워서 떡 먹기
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